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5 Things to Do Every Morning to Have a Great Day
Every now and then, you may find yourself having one of those
mornings in which you don’t feel energetic or motivated enough to
embrace what the day has to offer. If you want to change your mood, try
implementing one or more of these things to do every morning to have a
great day.
These tips will help you to become more motivated every morning so
that you can start your day off right with a cheerful disposition and a
positive mental attitude.
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5 Things to Do Every Morning to Have a Great Day
1. Go for an Invigorating Walk or Jog
Nothing helps to jump-start your day like a morning jog or a brisk
walk. Depending on where you live, you can take an invigorating stroll
along the beach or at a nearby park.
To make it even more exciting, get a few friends together and start a
morning walk/jog club. The extra company will keep you motivated and
will bring more overall excitement to your daily experience.
2. Have a Champion Breakfast
Many people wake up in the morning and run off to work without a
proper breakfast. Their idea of a breakfast is a cup of coffee and a
protein bar. But what you may want to try for a change is a real
breakfast. A breakfast for champions!
Wake up a bit earlier and make yourself something delicious and
nutritious. Eggs, toast, pancakes (whole wheat or no wheat for the
healthy minded), oatmeal, and fruits can give you the morning fuel that
you need to have a successful day.
3. Pray & Meditate
Nothing prepares you mentally for a busy day than some form of
prayer and meditation. Prayer helps to keep your mind in a state of
gratitude, and meditation helps to relax your mind body completely which
helps to lower your levels of stress and anxiety.
Find someplace quiet where you can be alone with your thoughts. Find
yourself a calm sitting position and begin to breathe deeply and relax
your muscles. Let your mind focus on nothing except reaching a complete
state of calmness, and begin affirming to yourself the great day you’re
going to have by giving gratitude for it.
4. Listen to Empowering Music
This is a good technique to use if you really need a morning
pick-me-up. Although tastes and preferences may vary, try putting on
something inspiring or motivational depending on how you feel.
Listen to music that will encourage you to live at your highest ideals
and perform your daily best. It should be something uplifting, so
consider both the music and its message when you’re deciding what to
listen to in the mornings.
5. Read Growth-Oriented Literature
Wake up and read something that will encourage and empower you
throughout the rest of your day. Depending on your faith and beliefs,
choose something inspirational that will greatly encourage your deeper
values and compel you to live your best.
Another option is to read self-help literature first thing in the
morning. By spending those first moments of your day on personal
development, your mind will be saturated with the powerful ideas that
you need to keep your mind positive and your actions productive
throughout the day.
If you do not do something to jump-start your morning, you may find
that your entire day may end up being both uneventful and unproductive.
You may even find yourself taking a step back in achieving the goals
that you had set out for yourself.
This is why starting your day off right is so important. How you start
your morning tends to have a big impact on how the rest of your day
goes. So if you want to avoid any negative snowball effects, focus on
empowering your mind and body every morning in order to have the best
day possible.
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